Industry Groups Praise Hensarling’s Dodd-Frank Replacement Plan Ahead of Markup
| Morning Consult
The Electronic Payments Coalition also showered praise on Hensarling’s bill. Both ABA and the Electronic Payments Coalition have advocated for eliminating Dodd-Frank’s limitations on credit card swipe fees, a provision commonly referred to as the “Durbin Amendment” after its lead advocate, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).
The Financial CHOICE Act would repeal the Durbin Amendment, which led EPC Executive Director Molly Wilkinson to call the legislation “the right thing to do for consumers and small community banks and credit unions.” She made the remarks Monday in a letter to Hensarling.
More Updates
EPC Supports the Financial CHOICE Act and Repeal of the Durbin Amendment
Electronic Payments Coalition
Press Releases / Statements
EPC Trades Sign Letter in Support of CHOICE Act Section 335
Electronic Payments Coalition
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