Competitive Enterprise Institute |
Interchange Fee Warnings Coming True in EU
We have often warned about the negative effects of interchange fee regulation and specifically a cap on interchange fees. Last year we warned the European Parliament that a proposed EU-wide cap on interchange fees would cause many banks to raise fees and interest rates on all their customers, not just those who use debit or credit cards. We said: Capping interchange fees has been tried in some countries around the world. Despite claims that these efforts were for the benefit of consumers, the real world results have shown the opposite to be true. In every instance, consumers faced higher fees for banking services, a reduction in benefits and services and saw no return in the form of lower prices from merchants despite promises by merchants and policy makers to pass savings to consumers. We also noted in April that banks were already cutting back on card reward schemes. The negative effects of this arbitrary cap on interchange fees are now being widely felt in Europe and are playing out exactly as we expected. Banks earning less on interest and interchange fees will raise customer fees to compensate for losses in other fields of activity: The first domino to fall was