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EPC Study Reveals How the Durbin Amendment Tipped the Scales at the Expense of Consumers

A new report from the Electronic Payments Coalition gathers the findings of over a dozen studies into one place, showing the Durbin amendment’s interference in a traditional two-sided market. While proponents of the Durbin Amendment claimed it would help consumers by allowing merchants to offer lower prices, consumers have yet to see any real benefit seven years since it took effect. That’s not the only way consumers have been left footing the bill for the Durbin amendment, however. In the years since, they’ve also had restricted access to free checking and scaled back rewards programs. Click here to download the report and take a closer look at how the Durbin amendment has failed to live up to its promises.
Electronic Payments Coalition |

New EPC Study Reveals Value of Rewards Cards for Consumers and Merchants

A new report from the Electronic Payments Coalition shows the value of debit and credit card rewards programs for merchants and consumers across all income levels. It also describes the dynamics of a two-sided market where a platform or service serves multiple end-users, which in the case of rewards cards includes cardholders and consumers. This study found that the value derived from using the electronic payments system depends on the extent to which both groups participate. Click here to download the report and take a closer look at the benefits rewards card programs provide for merchants and consumers.