May 3, 2011 EPC Ad – Domino Effect Learn about how Washington’s bad debit card rule will hurt consumers, community banks and credit unions. More
April 5, 2011 Rep. Frank Supports Action to Delay Rule on Interchange Fees Representative Frank argues that the Durbin amendment should be postponed in order to further investigate the effects of altering interchange rules. More
April 5, 2011 The 2010 Federal Reserve Payments Study The 2010 Federal Reserve Payments Study is the fourth of a series of triennial studies conducted by the Federal Reserve System to comprehensively estimate and study aggregate trends in noncash payments in the United States. This study estimates the total number and value of payments that were made in 2009 by check, debit card, credit card, automated clearinghouse (ACH), and prepaid card from accounts domiciled in the United States. The study also estimates the number and value of ATM withdrawals. More
April 1, 2011 Members of Congress and Government Regulators Speak Out This EPC release contains several comments from regulators and congressmen who predict the unintended, harmful consequences of the Durbin amendment. More
March 29, 2011 Letter from Mr. Bernanke to Banking Committee Members Mr. Bernanke acknowledges the complexity of Dodd-Frank as well as the essential role played by the debit card industry. More
March 29, 2011 Letter from Mr. Bernanke to Senators Bachus and Frank Mr. Bernanke acknowledges the complexity of the Dodd Frank Act as well as the essential role of debit cards. More
March 17, 2011 The Heritage Foundation Report This report from the Heritage Foundation finds that the Durbin amendment will make it harder for consumers to use debit cards, hurt banks and credit unions, and increase fees that banks charge consumers for other bank services. More
March 4, 2011 The Office of the Comptroller of Currency’s Letter to the Board of Governors of the Fed Reserve This letter from the OCC argues that the Durbin amendment will harm small businesses and consumers. More
March 2, 2011 Electronic Payments Coalition Press Statement on Fed Rule In a House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit hearing, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke confirmed fears about the exemption for small financial institutions, stating that it may not be effective in the marketplace. FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair concurred. More
March 11, 2025 What They Are Saying: What People Are Saying about the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Mandates EPC Read
February 14, 2025 BREAKING: New House Financial Services Chair STILL OPPOSES Durbin-Marshall Government Mandates EPC Read Press Releases / Statements