February 24, 2011 CATO and New York University Law School Study on Interchange Regulation The study argues that the dangerous experiment of the Durbin Amendment is a reckless exercise in price controls. More
February 24, 2011 Sens. Hagan and Bennet to Chairman Bernanke Senators Hagan and Bennet note the potential harmful effects of the debit card rule upon small financial institutions. More
February 23, 2011 Trying to Get Something for Nothing (The Interchange Story) A brief story about the value of electronic payments and why the merchants should pay their fair share of the system. More
February 22, 2011 Economic Analysis of the Effects of the Federal Reserve Board’s Proposed Debit Card Interchange Fee Regulations on Consumers and Small Businesses This paper examines the impact of the reductions in interchange fees proposed by the the Federal Reserve Board on consumers and small businesses. It finds that consumers and small business would face higher retail banking fees and lose valuable services as banks rationally seek to make up as much as they can for the debit interchange revenues they will lose under the Board’s proposal. The number of unbanked consumers would increase as lower-income households reduce the use of higher-priced accounts. Small businesses would lose money in the first 24 months the proposed rules are in effect because of the offsetting increase in bank fees. Most of these small businesses do not accept debit cards and therefore would not have any offsetting benefits from lower interchange fees. Large retailers would receive a windfall. More
February 22, 2011 Institutions Urge Revision of Federal Debit Rule Every major national bank and credit union trade association joined together to urge fundamental revisions of the Federal Reserve’s debit card ruling. More
February 22, 2011 Comments of the National Taxpayers Union To the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve The NTU argues that debit regulation is nothing, but a harmful price control. More
February 22, 2011 Comments of the Greenlining Institute on the Federal Reserve Proposed Regulation II: Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing The Greenlining Institute argues that debit regulation will cause great harm low income consumers. More
February 22, 2011 Letter from Rep. Owens and Others to Chairman Bernanke Members of Congress write to Mr. Benanke to express fears over interchange regulations’ harmful consequences for small businesses and institutions. More
February 21, 2011 Convergence Law Institute Comments on New Fed Rule The Convergence Law Institute argues that interchange regulations are a series of detailed interventions into specific parts of a complicated financial ecosystem which lack sufficient guidance as to how the FRB agency should deal with the ramifications of these interventions on other parts of the system, or on the system as a whole. More
February 17, 2011 EPC Statement to the House Financial Services Committee Written statement of the Electronic Payments Coalition submitted to the House Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit on “Understanding the Federal Reserve’s Proposed Rule on Interchange Fees: Implications and Consequences of the Durbin Amendment” More
February 4, 2025 EPC Statement – Government Credit Card Mandates Hurt Most Vulnerable Populations EPC Read Press Releases / Statements
January 28, 2025 The Facts & Consequences Supporters of Durbin-Marshall Don’t Want You To Know EPC Read Press Releases / Statements