EPC Members’ Joint Letter to Chairmen Hensarling and Neugebauer
| Electronic Payments Coalition
On June 14, 2016, EPC’s members American Bankers Association (ABA), Consumer Bankers Association (CBA), Credit Union National Association (CUNA), Financial Services Roundtable (FSR), Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA), and National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU) sent a letter to Chairmen Hensarling and Neugebauer in support of their efforts to repeal the Durbin Amendment.
More Resources
SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: New Analysis Demonstrates the Durbin Amendment Has Not Led to Consumer Savings or Employment Gains, Contrary to Retailer Claims
Press Releases/Statements
The Durbin Amendment Has Not Led to Consumer Savings or Employment Gains
Infographic: Consumers Aren’t Benefiting from Merchant Markup