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Once Again … It’s NOT About Small Businesses

| Electronic Payments Coalition

Senator Durbin and supporters of the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Bill might say they are trying to help small businesses, but their actions always point to the contrary.

Senator Durbin has touted meetings with the Home Depot CEO and now is getting an award while touring Macy’s – the nation’s largest department store.

As a reminder, back in July when the National Retail Federation held its Retail Advocates Summit, it seemed like their focus was also on helping corporate mega-stores like Amazon, Macy’s, Target, and Walmart.

The Durbin-Marshall bill WILL NOT help small businesses. The facts do not lie.

The Congressional Research Service questioned whether consumers or small businesses would benefit at all.

And the University of Miami found the mandates would put small businesses at a greater competitive disadvantage against corporate mega-stores. 

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