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EPC Statement on Chairman Hensarling Not Seeking Re-Election

| Electronic Payments Coalition

The following statement can be attributed to Molly Wilkinson, executive director of the Electronic Payments Coalition (EPC), in response to House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) Chairman Hensarling’s announcement that he will not seek re-election in 2018.

“EPC congratulates Chairman Hensarling on a long, successful career in Congress, and thanks him for his service to our country. In his more than fourteen years as congressman, including more than four years as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, he has repeatedly stood up for consumers and the free market. As Chairman, he continuously demonstrated his principled commitment to ending the Durbin amendment’s harmful price controls, leading his committee to vote twice in favor of repealing the provision and speaking out on its negative consequences. It is important that members of Congress stand up for what is right, especially given the mounting evidence that shows the Durbin amendment is a failure. Chairman Hensarling has consistently fought in defense of consumers, small businesses, credit unions, and community banks, and we hope others in Congress will do the same in years to come.”

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