After the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, the next big task facing Congress will be reform of the equally awful Dodd-Frank Act. House Financial Services Committee chairman Jeb Hensarling announced the vehicle for that task last year – the Financial CHOICE Act. Since it was announced, it has included repeal of the Durbin Amendment to Dodd-Frank, but there is now heavy lobbying to drop that provision. The special interests behind the lobbying are wrong. Repeal of the Durbin Amendment is vital for consumers.
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NBCC: After 6 Years, Consequences Of The Durbin Amendment Are Evident
What Others Are Saying
Voters Agree: Get Government Out of Interchange, Repeal the Durbin Amendment
Electronic Payments Coalition
Press Releases / Statements
Bruce Fein: Political math is not economic math
The Washington Times
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